Welcome to Year 4 2024 - 2025!
See our newsletters below to keep up-to-date with everything that is happening.
Autumn 1
We will be learning about the Romans this term. Take a look at the Knowledge Organiser to find out what we will be covering.
Autumn 2
In Autumn 2, we continue to look at Roman, specifically Roman Britain.
Spring 1
In Spring, we will be learning about the Amazon, including rivers.
Y4 Drums
Across Y4, all children have the opportunity to learn African drums.
Year 4 Roman Day
On Y4 Roman Day, all Year 4 students engaged in an enriching experience led by Luke the Roman. The day commenced with a captivating discussion where children absorbed a wealth of information about Roman soldiers, notable emperors, the complexities of slavery, and the intriguing use of poison in historical contexts.
To bring history alive, pupils participated in a dramatic enactment uniting as an army, complete with their imaginative chariots, obeying the emperor). Following this, students were divided into groups to explore Roman drama further, diligently learning lines and interacting with various artefacts that enhanced their performance.
Y4 Dentist Hygiene Nurse
Y4 had a visit from the NHS nurse, who shared important information about dental hygiene. She explained why it's essential to brush our teeth regularly and how long we should be brushing. We also talked about which foods are good for our teeth and which ones are harmful. Additionally, we learned some fascinating facts about our teeth, including that we produce two pools of saliva in our lifetime! She was very impressed with our knowledge.
Y4 Making Torches
Y4 applied their circuit learning in Science to create torches in DT. The children used recyclable materials to create a torch with a handle and working switch.
Y4 PE: Gymnastics
As part of our PE topics, Y4's practiced balance and jumping during gymnastics, improving their coordination and strength.