What is it?

The government has invested in Primary School Physical Education and School Sport.  From 2018/19, this has been increased by granting each primary school £16,000 plus £10 per pupil to be spent in any way the school thinks best to improve the teaching and learning of PE and School Sport in their individual school.

How we are using it at Badsley Primary School?

At Badsley Primary School, we are using this funding by working with an external provider, Live & Learn Sports to

  • Provide high quality PE lessons in FS2 and Key Stages 1 and 2
  • Provide quality CPD for teachers and teaching assistants across school
  • Increase the amount of competition in which our children participate
  • Develop an additional extra-curricular club and activities for children (including weekly inter-school fixtures for a varity of sports across the year)

We have organised specialised coaches to come into school and teach the children’s PE lessons. We have ensured that all children in school benefit from this across the academic year.  Also teachers are present in the lessons and take an active role therefore the teacher is developing their training so will be able to use the quality planning the following term and year. Teachers are also given the planning and any suitable resources from the coaches for future use.

We have also used the money to buy some equipment for the school that can be used by all children at break time and lunchtime as well as in PE lessons.  The school has purchased a set of football goals for the school football team.  The long term aim is higher quality lessons and improved learning for all children.

Please see our ‘Sports’ section of our website to view our gallery and sports news.

What is the impact?

As a result of this funding and the way Badsley Primary has used it, all children across the school have accessed high quality teaching of PE/ Sport.  In addition, the children, at all phases of school, have accessed a vast range of festivals/ interschools competitions throughout the year.  A opportunity to take part in sporting experiences at English Institute of Sport (EIS), Sheffield has also taken place for a group of children.  


Total funding allocation for 2023/2024:   £20,400