Message from the Chair of Governing Board, June Williams

Hello Everyone,

I am delighted to be able to introduce myself to those of you who do not already know me.  My name is June Williams and I am Chair of Badsley Primary’s Governing Board.  I have been the Chair of Governors since shortly after Badsley Infant and Badsley Junior became the school we have today.  I am very proud to hold this position because it enables me to be involved with all the wonderful work being done in school by the staff and pupils.

My background is in education and I worked for the Local Authority for many years in this capacity.  I find that this helps my understanding of the challenges our school faces with the ever-changing face of education.

In addition to attending meetings of the board, which enable governors to have a strategic oversight of the work of the school to ensure that the school is functioning in the best way possible for pupils to achieve their potential, I make regular visits to the school and see the pupils working and at play.  I also try to attend as many of the special occasions as I can; these include concerts and fayres held throughout the year.  My latest visits were to judge the eSafety poster competition which was very difficult owing to the fantastic quality of the work; I then was given the privilege of awarding the prizes to the winners and runners up.  Good attendance at the school is vital for children to learn and develop and it is something I am very interested in; therefore, it was also my pleasure to present Attendance Certificates at the same assembly.

I look forward to continue to keep you informed of the activities of both myself and the other members of the Governing Board in future updates and newsletters.

Many thanks

June Williams


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Co-opted Governor – Mrs. June Williams                 

Local Authority Governor – Mrs. Amy Parry-McDermott   

Parent Governor – Mr. Jordan Arno                     

Co-opted Governor – Mrs. Kay West 

Staff Governor – Mrs. Samantha Hawkins

Headteacher – Mr. Mark Windle  

Associate Member – Mrs. Joanne Russell


Chair of Governing Board – Mrs. June Williams

Vice-Chair of Governing Board – Mr. Jordan Arno

Clerk to the Governing Board – Bridget O’Malley (External Governance Professional)

Note:  All members of the Governing Board can be contacted through school.



What do Governors do?

You may be wondering what exactly a Governing Board does:

  • Firstly, all members of the Board are volunteers; none of us are paid for undertaking this role.
  • Secondly, our main role is to work with the head teacher and other members of the senior leadership team to ensure that all pupils receive the best education possible.

The governing body has three main functions:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and pupils
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure the money is being well spent

The governing body fulfils its roles in various ways including assisting to set the vision of the school and monitoring the school improvement plan. Governors are responsible for vigorously analysing pupil performance and financial data to ensure high educational standards in school are being promoted. 

The Governors are a group of people who work together as a critical friend to the school leadership team, ensuring the school continues to move forward in its provision for children, parents and staff. They meet half-termly at school as a full governing body, as do the committees. 

Our associate governors do not have voting rights.

All governors can be contact through the school.


Are you interested in becoming a governor?  Would you like to find out more? 

Please contact Mr. Windle (Headteacher) or Mrs. Williams (chair) for an informal discussion.