2023/2024 - Sports Round-up!
The 2023/2024 school year was a very successful one for sport at Badsley. Throughout the year, we provided an increased number of opportunities for children to get involved in a range of extra-curricular sports. Our offer included popular events such as football, cricket and netball alongside chances to participate in different sports to broaden their experiences. In addition to this, children from Badsley competed against other schools through league fixtures and standalone competitions. Through our links within the community, we were also able to attend ‘WOW’ events held at elite sporting venues throughout South Yorkshire.
Over the course of the year, the children successfully participated in range of competitive sports: basketball, tag rugby, athletics, orienteering, gymnastics, cross-country, rounders, handball, golf, hockey and tennis. Badsley were victorious in many of these events, with the trophies standing proud in the school trophy cabinet.
The Year Ahead...
Following on from an amazing year of sport at Badsley, we are aiming to surpass our achievements this time around. Our competitive schedule is already in place, with the addition of new experiences provided in partnership with the School Games programme.
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