Curriculum Vision

Badsley Primary School is a school that lies at the heart of its local community.  We aim to meet the needs of the community by providing opportunities – academic, social and sporting.  At Badsley Primary, we want the children to Aim High, to learn without limits and not impose limits upon what they can achieve at school or in life.  The school engenders a love of learning through its engaging, creative curriculum and welcoming approach.  We share the belief that we are all Life Long Learners knowing that we are all constantly learning to learn. We put the needs of the children first, encouraging them to respect themselves and others. The children at Badsley are confident, empathetic and work with each other to support learning.

Curriculum Rationale

Our curriculum is broad and balanced and meets the requirements of the national curriculum. It uses a project-based approach and provides children with a range of rich and memorable learning experiences, with visits linked to projects as well as visitors into school.   Learning progresses from one year to the next, building on previously taught knowledge and skills.  We have ‘Ultimate End Goals’ for each subject that we want the children at Badsley to have achieved by the time they reach the end of year 6. 

The staff at Badsley have a commitment to ensure our children have many opportunities for enrichment beyond the National Curriculum. These experiences in sports, the arts, food technology and many more are provided during school time and beyond with school staff and outside agencies providing many engaging after school activities. 

Children’s vocabulary is improved with subject-specific vocabulary within each lesson and this is revisited often to support the commitment to long term memory.  Lessons are adapted for disadvantaged and SEND children so that they are taught key concepts and vocabulary.  Reading plays a large part in our curriculum lessons with rich texts to support learning, with some pre-teaching for children who may struggle.  Children are encouraged to find out more if a subject area or project inspires them.   

The curriculum at Badsley promotes independent and collaborative learning. Children’s autonomy is developed as they progress through school, becoming more independent year on year.   

Home learning is closely linked to projects and provides a number of ways that children can learn at home to support classroom learning. 

Knowledge Organisers

The curriculum is supported by the use of knowledge organisers which summarise the knowledge, skills and vocabulary for each unit of work. The organisers ensure that essential knowledge is readily available to pupils, allowing them overview of their learning. Pupils are able to review and retrieve knowledge and information for themselves leading to improved retention and a greater understanding over time. The organisers help our pupils to become independent learners and support them to ‘know more and remember more.’  Please use the link to the year group pages to view the current knowledge organisers.