In our Early Years Foundation Stage 2 (EYFS), we provide a secure learning environment and engaging curriculum for 4–5-year-olds. We build warm and caring relationships, encourage the children’s creativity, and develop their independence. We have high expectations, and we believe in providing children with first hand experiences, which empower them to be actively involved in their own learning in a meaningful way. The EYFS provides children with their first experiences of understanding who they are and their place in the world. These are carefully mapped out throughout the year, ensuring that children are exposed to different elements of doing so, for example, our place in our world, where we live, where we are in the world and how others live around our world. With this, children begin to understand their own feelings and emotions and are able to accept responsibility for their actions.

Our children learn in a variety of ways, both indoors and outdoors, covering all areas of the Early Years framework. Their learning takes place through structured lessons, adult led group learning, independent learning opportunities and access to child led continuous provision. Our curriculum is underpinned with a strong emphasis on developing and valuing every child who enters our doors – which, in turn means we can ensure that no child is left behind and everyone achieves their fullest potential. To ensure all children achieve this, EYFS staff map out essential and potential themes and key skills, carefully plan the environment and ensure it is purposeful, as well as developing targeted assessment.

Our curriculum has a prominent importance in the communication and language thread throughout our bespoke EYFS curriculum; This area of learning is crucial to support our children to be able to access the curriculum and reach their full potential. Through quality interactions and high-level questioning, children are encouraged to use their language to talk about what we are learning and interact with others. We provide a range of interventions to support children, and these are designed to rapidly develop and promote language and vocabulary.

Our EYFS is very much part of the whole school, taking part in all events, some assemblies, rewards and celebrations. We support all of our children to do the best that they can whilst in our EYFS, providing them with opportunities and experiences that excite and inspire them, building the fundamentals for their educational journey. We drive to achieve consistently good levels of development (GLD) and this results in an extremely successful transition into year 1.

How can parents keep up to date and support with their child's learning?

Joining your child’s class dojo is a fantastic way to keep up to date with the EYFS curriculum. Adults will post photos and information regularly on the class story so you can see what your child has been taking part in whilst at school. Project puzzles include home learning for the half term and they are a great way to bring learning to life at home for your child, these are posted on the class story on a half termly basis and your child can earn extra points for taking part and completing activities. We will also post information of key dates and events coming up. You will have the opportunity to comment on your child’s learning using the class story and their personal portfolios. Class dojo is a wonderful way to keep in touch with your child’s class teacher directly using the messaging service. Adults monitor dojo between 8.30am and 4.00pm. If you would like further information on how to join class dojo then please see your child’s class teacher.