Our Reading Curriculum

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The Seven Areas of Reading 

Teaching children to read is our number one priority. This document outlines the seven areas of reading that are central to our curriculum. Those areas are:

  • Prioritising reading
  • Fostering a love of reading
  • Programme and Progress
  • Books match sounds
  • Phonics from the start
  • Catch up quickly
  • Early Reading experts 

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Reading for Pleasure

At Badsley Primary, we know that children who read for pleasure are more likely to do well in school and in later life. We believe that reading provides a doorway to new experiences and a window to lives that are different to our own. Reading provides escape, enjoyment, and the chance to see our own selves reflected in the stories we read.

We constantly invest in high quality books that will engage and inspire our pupils to read, at every opportunity. We have recently refreshed our Core Collection of texts - rhymes, poems and stories that we believe every child should have the opportunity to read over and over again. We have chosen them very carefully, ensuring that they include books that reflect different cultures, beliefs and ways of life, books that reflect our own community and books in which children can picture themselves as the hero.

Take a look at the titles we have chosen...

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Keep up to date with news about reading at Badsley, including what's been happening in school and upcoming events

Reading Newsletters

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Do you enjoy reading too?

Here are some of Mrs Russell's favourite reads of 2024 - my top 3 are:

  • 3rd: If I Let You Go (Charlotte Levin)
  • 2nd: Here one Moment (Liane Moriarty)
  • 1st: Goodbye Birdie Greenwing (Ericka Waller)

Find me on the yard or send me a ClassDojo message, if you would like more recommendations! 



Take a look at some of the fabulous books we love to read!

Oh, how we love to read - whenever and wherever we can!


For World Book Day 2024, everyone came dressed as a word - have a look at the great ideas F2F came up with!

Our Reading Ambassadors visited a local care home. They carefully chose the books they wanted to take and thoroughly enjoyed reading to the residents - the residents loved it too. We can't wait to visit again in October!


To celebrate National Poetry Day, Joshua Seigal, one of our favourite poets, recorded a performance especially for us! Every class then chose their own poems to learn, perform and have lots of fun with!




'My favourite part about Poetry Week was when Attie Lime came to school and we made up a bean poem.' Ivy, Y2

'I enjoyed the Easter egg poem that Attie Lime read out because it was funny.' Lottie, Y2

'I liked when we got to act out what we were going to do when the dragon was in front of us. We could use scissors and goggles - it was so much fun!' Sinead, Y6

'I enjoyed it when we made the poem all together.'  Nova, Y2

'I liked the Easter Egg poem she read, my birthday is on Easter!' Leia, Y2

'When Attie came, we wrote a poem together and she used my ideas. It encouraged us to write our own poems.' Tiarna, Y6

'Attie Lime made me laugh with her poems!' Abdul, Y2


What a wonderful Poetry Week we had!

We read and performed lots of poems by Attie Lime and had a fabulous day with her in school!

Here are just a few of the photos we took:

Attie shared lots of her poems with us - FS2 and Y1 really enjoyed performing 'I like cheese'. 'Miss says no', and lots of other poems from her book 'Cornflakes and Gravy'. Y2 - Y6 worked with Attie to create their own collaborative poems and were so inspired, they wrote their own afterwards, too!

Take a look at some of the poems our children have written...

We absolutely loved our day with Attie, and she had a great time too! Here's what she had to say:

The Badsley children were fantastic to work with, and had such brilliant ideas. It was a joy to see and hear such a love of poetry and reading throughout school.

Many thanks again for inviting me to share the poetry love at Badsley!


Did you know?

Reading to your child is so important. As well as being a lovely bonding time, reading to children develops their imagination and their understanding of the world. It also develops their language and vocabulary, which is so important in the early years and throughout life. 

By the time they are five, a child who...

  • is never read to, has experienced around 4,622 words
  • is read to 1-2 times a week - around 63,570 words
  • is read to 3-5 times a week - around 169,520 words
  • is read to daily - around 296,600 words
  • has five books a day - around 1,483,300 words

Reading to children is vital however old they are - even when they can read by themselves!

Have a look at these top tips for reading stories to your child

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If you would like some ideas for picture books and novels that your children might enjoy, take a look at these Recommended Reads from the Books for Topics website:

Recommended Reads

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We teach early reading and phonics through Read, Write, Inc. Here are some documents that are useful for supporting your child at home. Remember, if you have any questions about reading, please do speak to your child's class teacher, Mrs Green or Mrs Russell - we are always happy to talk about reading!

Read, Write Inc: useful documents

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These flip books are the presentations we shared at the FS2 and Y1 Parent Information meetings. They contain useful reminders for how we teach RWI in school and how you can help your child at home. 


Year 1

Our Writing Curriculum

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Writing at Badsley aims to put quality literature at its heart. It provides our pupils with rich language models and experience of effective writing used by leading authors, to inspire their own. Our writing curriculum engages our children through quality texts and drama, which motivates them to write for a range of purposes and audiences.

Our writing journey:

Read and Explore

Drama is an essential element of our writing journey, fostering effective communication, building empathy, enhancing confidence and providing valuable experiential learning opportunities for our pupils.

Develop Skills

We use the "I Do, We Do, You Do" method to help students learn key grammar and punctuation skills in a structured and supportive way. This approach ensures that children build confidence and mastery over time.


Our writing journey includes plenty of opportunities for collaborative learning, where we encourage children to work together through paired writing activities. During the editing and proofreading process, students are encouraged to support and guide each other, helping to strengthen their skills and confidence.



We use Spelling Shed to support children on their spelling journey. The spelling lists on Spelling Shed are grouped together, helping children to learn and apply different spelling patterns effectively.

Every week, teachers set an assignment linked to the pupil’s spelling words, helping them to practise their spellings in a fun and exciting way. Children can also choose to practise past spellings to consolidate past learning. Pupils from Year 1 (Stage 1) to Year 6 (Stage 6) can access Spelling Shed using their personal logins, which are provided by teachers at the start of the academic year.

Whilst children engage in numerous writing-based activities at school, parents can also support their development at home. There are many enjoyable and meaningful ways to encourage writing. Have a look at the ideas below to make writing fun at home.  

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