We are proud to be able to offer our families the support of the Badsley Pantry. Pantry parcels are free of charge and very easy to request – just email pantry@badsleyprimary.org or message Mrs Russell on ClassDojo.

Whether you need the Pantry every week or just once in a while, we are here to help.

Take a look at what some of our parents have to say…

This service has been a fantastic help to me and my family in a very difficult time we are having at the moment. Having this has eased my mind loads knowing my family will be eating.

We use the pantry every week, it's always really good. Some amazing bits in for our family.

The pantry has meant a great deal to me - my daughter being able to have food in her tummy when times are hard. Thank you to all who organised the pantry. It can't be easy. 

Pantry has been invaluable to our little family, we are a low income household to start with but then an unexpected bill came in putting us in debt, just as the cost of everything was rising!  I reached out to school when I heard about the Pantry and it has been so helpful, it has meant my grocery bills have been less, allowing me to put a little bit of money to the utilities and bring the unexpected debt down, I would have been absolutely stuck without it, thank you so much.

The pantry is a life saver for families like me and many others that shy away from asking for help in this difficult time. Receiving the pantry weekly helps me and my family with different varieties of food in the parcel, especially with us eating halal. It goes along way. 

The pantry really helps out when we are struggling and give nutritional choices of foods in the parcels.

Being a full-time mum it's hard to work, with the cost of living reaching the sky the pantry has helped me and my family so much. I like the fact that it's always ready at school and you just collect. The communication & staff (teachers) are amazing very friendly, always going out of their way to help. Even the kids are excited and they remind me to go and collect the food parcel. Thank you for the hard work you do.