Personal Development
Please click on the Learning Showcase tab so see all of the fantastic Personal Development opportunities that take place at Badsley!
The Badsley Vision
At Badsley, we value all of our children as individuals. Developing the whole child is important to us and that aim is reflected in all we do. We have lots to be proud of, and our children are rightly proud of their achievements. Our Badsley values help our children to be resilient, to communicate, to think, question, explore and work together. We want them to be independent, respect one another and to feel safe and happy in school. We have high expectations of everyone in our school community and we believe that everyone has the ability to achieve great things. We know how important it is that we work in partnership with parents and families, to help our children enjoy their time at Badsley Primary School, be happy, feel secure and achieve the very best they can. We aim for high academic standards as well as valuing and celebrating creativity and imagination through a broad and balanced curriculum.
We aim to create an ethos where all children can flourish spiritually, personally, academically and socially. High expectations for all are at the centre of what we do and we aim for all children in school to be challenged, curious, respectful and knowledgeable. Our key intent and driver of personal development, which spans across all of our curricular subjects and our whole-school ethos, is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain. We aim to provide all children with the opportunities both within our curricular subjects and through wider curriculum activities to broaden their horizons, challenge stereotypes and develop their understanding of values and citizenship. Our primary intent is to enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development It is also vital that children leave Badsley with the necessary understanding of protected characteristics, quality and diversity.
Pupils develop a strength in character from the wide and rich experiences we offer at Badsley Primary School. Our School Values, and the learning and opportunities we provide for all pupils, enables them to develop their own character and identity.
Pupils develop a positive mind-set and have high aspirations of themselves and others. This enables them to be courageous, showing determination and showing the required resilience to try new things and see mistakes as opportunities to learn.
Our pupils build strong foundations during their time at New Close Primary School: they hold positive school memories and their Personal Development sets them up for their future and the next stage of their education journey.
The Head Teacher and Personal Development Lead, supported by the whole staff team, consistently monitor the impact of our Personal Development offer through observations, monitoring and the ongoing assessment of pupils through pupil voice, engagement and lessons. We use whole-school pupil surveys, to ensure that pupils’ voice is a large part of assessing the impact of Personal Development.
At Badsley Primary School, we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum.
A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain. Our school motto is Growing Together; Aiming High, which proudly encompasses many of our British Values and our key goal is to promote high aspirations for all and ensure that all our pupils leave our school as life-long learners ready to become valuable and rounded members of society.
Badsley Primary is currently working with the UNICEF Rights Respecting School programme. Each year the children decide upon their class charter and the rights associated with these. All the children contribute to the drawing up of the charter.
Children have many opportunities for their voices to be heard. We have a school council which meets regularly to discuss issues raised in class council meetings. Council members from each year group are voted in by their class. Children have their voices heard across school, through the use of school councillors, mini-police officers, writing ambassadors in addition to our school subject leaders conducting pupil voice surveys on regular occasions throughout the year. Pupil voice is actively listened to and acted upon and this is vitally important to us as a school and children play a crucial role in terms of shaping our broad and balanced curriculum.
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message. Our school plays an active role in the Mini-Police programme and children are offered the opportunity to work with South Yorkshire Police to support our understanding of the rule of law and explore the value in the Rule of Law. Our PSHE scheme, Jigsaw, plays a key role in exploring safety and the Rule of Law in our society.
Individual Liberty
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely, through provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and PSHE lessons. Whether it be through choice of learning challenge, of how they record, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices. Our school is a trauma-informed school, which also supports all staff members to support children in their Individual Liberty, with their self-esteem and their resilience.
Mutual Respect
As a Rights Respecting School, mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect. Respect is also a key one of our Badsley Values and children are taught that we show our respect for each other by treating everyone with kindness and consideration and by valuing our differences. Children are rewarded and celebrated for showing mutual respect both in our school community and within our wider community. Our PSHE scheme plays a key role when promoting mutual respect across school.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
Badsley Primary is situated in an area which is greatly culturally diverse, therefore we place a great emphasis on promoting diversity with the children. Assemblies are regularly planned to address this issue either directly or through the inclusion of stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures. Our RE and PSHE teaching reinforces this through modules such as ‘Celebrating Differences’. Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school. Children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths. We also follow My Happy Mind in school, which is a positive mental health programme aiming to support children in identifying both their own strengths and the strengths of others, in addition to supporting children with how we can celebrate and appreciate differences.
At Badsley Primary we will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views and we will support children with discussing any of their fears, concerns and views.
Welcome to Personal Development at Badsley! Please have a look at and enjoy our learning showcase of the amazing opportunities we offer at Badsley. We will continue to update this page throughout the school year as we continue to develop our skills and learning.
Careers Month at Badsley is underway!!
Throughout March, we are very lucky that we have a number of visitors visiting Badsley to come and talk to us about their careers. So far, we have had visits from Galliford Try and David Wing, Head of IT come and speak to Y4 and Y5 about their careers. We have also had a member of our wider school community who has just competed in the Invictus Games in Canada come in to talk about his career and competing in the games. We had a look at his medal and learned all about the importance of the games for mental health, physical health and general wellbeing. We are very inspired and can't wait to learn even more about how we can have high aspirations, aim high and succeed. We are learning that Badsley is just the start of our career journey. We will also have visitors from the RAF, Rotherham College, the NHS and from childcare settings. We even have virtual visits all the way from New York and Denver, Colorado! How exciting!
Royal Opera
5BM were selected to take part in the Rotherham Opera. The children took part in two workshops with staff from Grimm and Co and The Royal Ballet and Opera House. They had the exciting opportunity to create the characters, setting and beginning of the story. This is then being carried on by another school in the area. The staff at Grimm and Co and RBOH will then work together to create an opera from this story.
School Council Visit to Rotherham Town Hall
On Tuesday 4th February 2025, some of our school councillors visited Rotherham Town Hall. We had the pleasure of meeting the Mayor. We learned about democracy, one of our British Values and linked all of our learning to our Badsley Values. We learned lots about our local council and voting. We had the chance to ask the mayor lots of questions. We even quizzed her about university, her career before becoming mayor and some of her achievements since becoming mayor. It was a fascinating morning and all pupils showed Badsley Values and represented our school incredibly well! Well done school council!
Archery at Badsley
As part of our wider Personal Development offer, each class gets to work with POPs Outdoor Learning throughout the year. One class had the opportunity to try some archery as part of their session. What a fabulous opportunity to learn a new skill!
Science in action!
Year 4 have done lots of hand-on learning this year to really enhance their learning. In science, they learned about digestion and were able to apply their knowledge to create a realistic model of the human digestive system. What fantastic learning and what a great opportunity to step in to the shoes of a biologist! We certainly have some budding scientists at Badsley.
Outdoor Learning
We love to take our learning outdoors for hands-on learning opportunities. Have a look at Year 4 embedding their habitats learning in our school grounds.
STEM learning at Badsley
To kick start our Spring Term's Badsley offer, Year 5 are accessing a very exciting STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) day in conjunction with the Royal Air Force. We have learned about some of the STEM careers available according to our interests and then we learned about how planes are designed. We got to apply our science learning from last term all about forces. We are designing and making our own gliders. We worked in teams to develop our team work, organisation skills, responsibility, respect and empathy skills. We can't wait to test our planes!
Poetry at Badsley
At Badsley, we love reading and poetry!! Poetry is a great way to express yourself, be creative and develop your skills, so we celebrated poetry week in true Badsley style! We had a fantastic poet, named Attie Lime, visit us to discuss her career as a poet and the things that inspire and motivate her. We got to be creative and work alongside her to create some amazing poems. Have a look at what Year 4 got up to as part of their poetry week learning. We love to learn outdoors at Badsley!
With Me in Mind
At Badsley, we are proud to be working with With Me in Mind, an NHS service aimed at supporting mental health in young people through early intervention. Some children have already begun to work with the team and have really enjoyed their first sessions. Have a look at some of the great work that they have done around managing worries so far.
Home Learning at Badsley
At Badsley, we are proud to support achievements both inside AND outside of school. Have a look at some of our fantastic and creative home learning that we have completed to really enhance our learning outside of school.
Y5 Visit
As part of our Badsley Offer, we try to make exciting learning opportunities for our pupils. To consolidate their fantastic learning about Vikings, Year 5 visited Jorvik for a journey back in time to have a more realistic Viking experience. Our Year 5 pupils were fantastic throughout and showed so many Badsley Values at all times.
Christingle Assembly
We celebrated the event of Christingle with a lovely, whole school assembly. We learned about what Christingle was, we made our own Christingles and then safely lit our candles as part of the Christingle tradition. It was a lovely, whole school event.
Reindeer Run!!
We had a fabulous time completing our Reindeer Run at Badsley!! We learned about Rotherham Hospice and why it is important, we saw how local the hospice is to us at Badsley and then we had lots of fun running, strolling and dancing our way around the yard!! We had a fabulous time and loved fundraising for such a great cause.
Badsley Support Children in Need 2024
Last week, we were proud to join the nation in supporting Children in Need 2024. Thank you for all of your kind donations and continued support. It was great to see so many Pudsey Bears and Blush Bears around school.
Achievements from home
At Badsley, we love to support any of your achievements from your out-of-school activities. Here is one of our lovely Y1s showing off her dancing success. Please bring in any achievements from home to share and allow us to celebrate your interests!
Rotherham Reindeer Run
On Friday 6th December, Badsley will take part in a 'Reindeer Run' to raise funds for Rotherham Hospice. Each child has a sponsorship form to raise any money great or small. Rotherham Hospice is a wonderful charity that serves our local community and Badsley is proud to support this fantastic cause. We will walk, run, jog walk or skip a mile around our playground with our antler ears on! Across school, we have learned more about the important work of Rotherham Hospice so that we understand more about the cause that we are fundraising for.
Badsley E-Safety Ambassadors
We are very proud to announce that we now have 16 trained E-Safety ambassadors. Throughout the year, they are going to created podcasts about E-Safety and will create mini-assemblies for classes around different E-Safety topics. Keep a look out on Dojo and our school website for further updates.
Badsley Remembers
This week, we started our week at Badsley by remembering our fallen heroes and those that gave their freedom for our today. We started off with a special assembly where we learned more about the background of the poppy and Remembrance Sunday. We held our two minutes silence and everyone demonstrated their respectful Badsley Value. In some classes, we did extra learning around this time and some of us even made our own poppies.
Anti-Bullying Week Launch
To launch the start of our Anti-Bullying Week at Badsley, our UKS2 school councillors went to Rotherham Civic Theatre to show off their kindness capes and share some work around this year's theme: respect! We wrote poems, shared our kindness capes and wrote a tag to be part of a large tree of respect and kindness. We can't wait to celebrate Anti-Bullying week next week at Badsley!
RUFC Joy of Movement
IN Year 5, we have started our Joy of Movement sessions with staff from Rotherham United. We are learning how to keep our both our bodies and minds healthy and active. Our first session looked at what is defined as 'physical activity' and looked at how children are active both in and out of school. Fabulous work Y5!
Tech She Can Session Two
Year 5 had their second 'Tech She Can' session. This half term, we have focused on careers and jobs related to 'connectivity'. To help us understand more about careers and jobs in this area of industry, we used iPads to trial augmented reality. It was a fabulous session and we learned a lot about different careers linked to the internet. We can't wait to learn about even more careers!
Mini-Police at Badsley
Our fantastic new recruits have started their Mini-Police programme in conjunction with South Yorkshire Police. They learned lots today about the different ranks, roles and responsibilities in the police force, which was a fantastic insight in to careers work! Keep a look out to see what our Mini-Police Officers get up to and how they continue to promote our key Badsley Values.
Reading Ambassadors
In October, our fantastic Reading Ambassadors visited a local care home to promote reading and to share some of their favourite books with the lovely residents. What a fantastic opportunity to create lovely relationships within the wider community and to promote reading far and wide! #Badsleylovestoread
Family Learning
As part of our 'Badsley Offer', we love to offer family learning sessions so that pupils and their parents/carers can develop their skills and interests together. Have a look at some of our fabulous photos of what we have recently gotten up to!
Badsley School Councillors
We have democratically voted for our school councillors and we are so proud of them for their success. We held our first school council meeting on Tuesday 15th October and school councillors are focusing on promoting Badsley Values as their task from our first meeting. We also thought about electing a chair and a vice-chair. As school councillors at Badsley this year, school councillors would like to work on anti-bullying support and making school a better place for our planet. Have a scroll through our superstar councillors...
Year 4 celebrate Black History Month
4H are reading about Nelson Mandela as part of their whole class reading. They then joined a Picture News national assembly all about Black History Month to apply their learning from reading to real-life events. Fantastic work 4H!
Y3 Visit to Wentworth Woodhouse
At Badsley, we pride ourselves on offering pupils hands-on, exciting learning opportunities. As part of the Y3 curriculum, students had a fantastic visit to a very special local landmark: Wentworth Woodhouse. They had a fabulous day filled with hands-on learning and deepening their knowledge and skills. They showed fabulous Badsley Values throughout the day. Well done Y3!
The Hive
The Hive have had a visit from the Schools Library Service, where they listened to a story with a sensory twist. It was a fabulous experience for all and it really brought their learning and stories to life.
School Nurse Visit
On Thursday 10th October, Year 4 had a visit from Sally, our school nurse. She did sessions around oral hygiene and really looking after our teeth. It was a fantastic learning opportunity to learn how to keep ourselves safe and healthy.
Sam's Army's Mission
On October 8th 2024, we were visited by Simon Haycock, who runs Sam's Army Mission. Sam Haycock, Simon's son, was an ex-pupil at Badsley who tragically died at Ulley Reservior in 2021. Simon came in to Badsley to deliver an assembly around water safety, using his own personal experience to engage pupils and really reinforce how dangerous open water and local open water places can be. Pupils had a go at throwing emergency lines and learned all about the tragic dangers of cold-water shock. We look forward to working with Sam's Army's Mission and Simon in the future as he continues his life-saving charity work.
Music Offer
At Badsley, we offer every learner the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Year 4 have started learning to play the African drums and Year 5 have begun to develop their skills playing the ukelele. Have a look at our photos to see our fantastic efforts!
School Councillors
We have been working hard to elect our school councillors this half term at Badsley. We had to apply for the position and then prepare a short speech to our class to demonstrate our characteristics, strengths and how we demonstrate the Badsley Values. In 5M, Mr Morton was blown away by how his candidates articulated their values and how they all showed the Badsley Way.
Year 6 Crucial Crew
In October, Year 6 pupils visited Crucial Crew and had a fantastic day of learning there! They had the opportunity to develop key life skills to keep them safe and understand more about key British Values and the key rules of law in our country. Year 6 were involved in some roleplay scenarios, including a magistrates court, how to navigate road safety and rules around anti-social behaviour.
Year 1 Careers
Year One have been learning more about their families and local communities. They have been looking at the careers of some parents/carers in their class. What interesting careers we have within our school community!
Year 5 STEM- September 2024
Year 5 have enjoyed a STEM workshop with 'Tech She Can', where they learned all about some exciting career choices in STEM industries. They had a go at designing a new mode of transport and are looking forward to the upcoming sessions, where they will get even more 'hands on' activities!