Attendance and Punctuality

The staff and governors of Badsley Primary School regard good attendance and punctuality as high priority. We are committed to a whole school approach to attendance and punctuality.  Badsley Primary School regards Education as paramount whilst being sympathetic and supportive to individual family circumstances. 

Every child has a right to education and parents are legally responsible for making sure that their child/children, once enrolled at a school, attend/s regularly and punctually.  Regular attendance at school is the single most important factor in a child/children making appropriate progress and achieving success.  Good regular and punctual attendance means doing well academically, developing better relationships with other children and positive behaviour.  It also sets up good habits for when young people enter into work and life.

We recognise that children’s learning is affected by their attendance and punctuality, as we aim to encourage everyone to aim high and try to achieve their full potential.  The school provides a warm, welcoming and caring environment, within which everyone is valued and respected.

All school staff work with parents to help their children attend school punctually every day and to thereby meet the legal requirement that all children of compulsory school age attend school on a regular, full-time basis.

Every half day absence from school has to be classified by the school as either authorised or unauthorised.  This is why information about absence is always required.

Our aim is to ensure our school works in partnership with parents, our local community and the local authority to support and promote good attendance and punctuality.

In order to achieve these aims the school will:

  • Offer a safe and supportive environment, which welcomes children regardless of race, gender or ability.
  • Establish clear and effective procedures for administration.
  • Foster a climate where the school community, teachers, parents/carers, governors and pupils value attendance and punctuality.
  • Comply with legal requirements.
  • Ensure any child presenting poor levels of attendance and punctuality are noted, monitored and appropriate action taken.
  • Have systems in place offering rewards and incentives for regular attendance and punctuality.
  • Keep parents/carers informed about their child’s attendance through established procedures.
  • Support governors in taking an active role in promoting good attendance and governors.
  • Work in partnerships with parents/carers, Early Help, Social Care and other outside agencies.


Badsley Primary expects pupils to:

  • To attend regularly and on time.
  • To be prepared adequately for the school day.
  • To comply with the school policies and procedures.

Badsley Primary expects parents/carers:

  • To encourage their children to attend school every day, on time.
  • To contact the school on the first day of absence.
  • To arrange holidays and medical appointments outside school hours.
  • To regularly update emergency contact details.

Our Whole School Attendance Target is 96% .